5 Things That Affect Your Water Well Pump Performance

Whether residential or commercial property, you rely on your water well for H2O. The water well pump does what its name suggests it does: It pumps water from the well into your home or business. Signs your water well pump is on the fritz include zero or poor water flow out of the faucets, low water pressure, or your water well pump running constantly. In addition, there are five common things that can affect your well pump performance. King Water Wells explains what they are below.

Loss of Power

Your water well pump relies on electricity and if your power is out, it will not be able to pump water. Electricity powers the pump’s pressure switch. Without electricity, the switch stalls and only the water left in your pressure tank flows through the faucets. Once the pressure tank empties, the water pump cannot draw water out of the well until electricity is restored. Power loss can disable the well pump.


Your water well relies on the underground water table to fill it, and if you live in an area that has experienced a dry spell or drought, there isn’t much your well pump can do about it. If your well is low, the pump might sputter to draw water or not produce water at all. Drawn water might be muddy. If there’s plenty of rain in your area, it could be your pump’s location in conjunction with the well.

Pump Size

If your water pump is too small for your home or business’ water use, it will not draw the water that you need as efficiently as you would like it to. Things that determine a water well pump’s size include water usage, water well size, plumbing system size, and the number of water-using appliances in the home or business. You must use the right-sized pump for optimal water well system performance.

Overworked Pump

A smaller pump will work too hard to meet your home or business’ demand, too, and this can directly affect its performance. In addition, the wrong size water pump will fail more quickly than a properly-sized pump will. The less a water pump is used the longer it will last; that’s just simple mechanics. If your water well pump is too small for the demand you place on it, it will fail eventually.


Finally, if the water in your well is filled with sediment it will damage your well pump’s inner workings. The sediment acts as an abrasive, such as sandpaper or a nail file, and it slowly scrapes away at the well pump’s bearings and components. Sediment commonly found in water wells includes debris, dirt, minerals, and stones. This sediment directly affects how well your water well pump performs.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, if your water well pump isn’t performing as it should be. We’ll inspect the pump alongside your entire water well system.