Benefits of a Commercial Irrigation System

We here at King Water Wells work with residential, industrial, and commercial clients and we can honestly say that many of our commercial clients enjoy the benefits of an irrigation system. Commercial property must present itself well to draw in customers. Nobody wants to solicit a business that has an unkempt exterior. With the right irrigation system, you can ensure your commercial property gives off the right impression: Curb appeal that draws people into your establishment or offices.

Easy Maintenance

A commercial irrigation system makes taking care of the exterior landscaping a piece of cake. Rather than hiring expensive gardeners or attempting to water the outdoor landscaping yourself, the irrigation system will take care of it for you. You won’t have to think about anything other than the occasional adjustment to the automatic sprinkler system when it rains, for example. A commercial irrigation system also reduces the need to drag heavy hoses around the property to water large areas.

Water Conservation

All irrigation systems, whether commercial, industrial, or residential, save water. The systems are designed to maximize water saturation and retention using the minimal amount of water possible. If you opt for a gray-water irrigation system, even better, because this system uses the water generated from your business to water the outdoor landscaping. We’ll design an irrigation system that draws water from your commercial well and distributes it effectively throughout your property so you use less water.

Reduces Water Run-Off

The less water you use the less chance of water run-off. What causes water run-off? Too much water. It really is that simple. By controlling how much water is distributed through the commercial irrigation system, you prevent too much water from saturating the land and running off. This wasteful practice is bad for the environment, as you use more water than is necessary and the water runs off into gutters and over roads where it picks up contaminants that it introduces into the groundwater system.

Cost Savings

All of these things add up to cost savings. The less water you use the more money you save. This might seem as if it’s no big deal but did you know the primary consumer demographic, the millennial, is a conscious shopper who researches businesses he or she plans to solicit. One thing they look for is sustainable business practices, and with a commercial irrigation system, you can add that to your sustainable business practice list to lure in the largest consumer demographic in the U.S.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, to discuss an irrigation system for your commercial space, industrial property, or residential property.