Three Signs Your Water Well Is Leaking

It’s pretty easy to tell if you have a plumbing leak. You’ll see water somewhere in your home or outside in the ground. It’s much harder to tell if your water well is leaking, which is why we here at King Water Wells recommend you have it maintained regularly. We can spot a problem before it becomes a leak. You should also call us right away if you notice any of the following three things.

Your Water Flow Is Lower Than Normal

The water flowing into your home will be compromised if water is leaking out of your water well into the ground surrounding it. The decreased water flow into the home is generally gradual – you notice over time that less water is coming out of your faucets. If you do notice a decrease in your water flow, don’t panic just yet. This could be caused by a water well leak, but it can also be caused by clogged pipes or sediment that has built up in the water well system. We’ll figure it out and fix it for you.

Your Water Has Debris In It

Because your water well stores the water that comes into your home, you might see dirt and debris in the water if the water well has a leak. This makes sense. A compromised water well not only leaks water out of the well, but it can also take in the ground soil that surrounds it if the crack or hole is bad enough. In fact, debris in your water is a sign of a large leak, so make sure to call us right away for a water well inspection. The water flowing into your home should be clean. If it isn’t, something is wrong.

You’re Changing Your Water Filter More Frequently Than Normal

Finally, if the leak is bad enough to introduce dirt and debris into your well water but not bad enough for the grunge to make it through your pipes and into your home, you might find yourself changing your water filter more frequently than normal. If your filter is getting dirty fast, your well water is dirty and the water filter must work harder to the well water clean. Unless you’ve increased your water usage significantly, you shouldn’t have to change your water filter before a fresh filter is due.

If you notice any of the three signs above, call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI. We will inspect your water well for leaks and your entire system for any other concerns.