Summertime Maintenance Tips For Your Water Well

With as much as you use your water well every day, it is important to keep it maintained all year long. A poorly maintained well could spell trouble for your plumbing system as well as put you and your family at risk for contamination and associated health hazards. This summer King Water Wells recommends these maintenance tasks to keep your well healthy and safe.

Have Old or Stale Water Flushed Out

If water is left in a well for too long it has the potential to absorb tastes and smells from nearby rocks and soil. When this happens, you end up with stale or smelly water. If your well has been unused or underused recently, it is a good idea to flush out the old water. This is easy to do on your own. Simply turn on your taps and faucets and allow the water to flow out. This also flushes any water that has been left sitting in your pipes. Once that is done, do a quality check on your water to make sure you got it all.

Have Your Water Tested for Contamination

We always recommend that you have your well water tested at least once a year and summer is the perfect time to schedule a quality test with King Water Wells. We will test your water for any signs of contamination that could result from bacteria or nitrates. If it has been less than a year and you notice a change in your water quality, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment immediately.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Even perfectly maintained water wells should be inspected on a regular basis by trusted professionals. In fact, those inspections are part of what makes it a well-maintained system. During an inspection, you should have your water tested as well as your system’s components to find any potential problems.

Clean Up Any Nearby Material That Could Cause Contamination

Ideally, you don’t allow any possible contaminants near your water well, but if you have, summer is the perfect time to get it cleaned up and start fresh. If you have any chemicals including paint and fertilizer, make sure to store them securely far away from your well. You should also do a check of all caps and make sure they are securely in place and undamaged.

When it comes to water well maintenance and irrigation systems, King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, is here to help. Call us today to schedule an appointment.