Avoid Heat Stroke By Staying Hydrated This Summer

It seems as if it were only yesterday that we were ushering in 2020 and now it’s summer. It’s important to stay hydrated all year long, but it’s especially important in the summer when you are at a higher risk for heat stroke. King Water Wells can install a water filtration system that ensures you and your family have plenty of cool, clean water to drink. Here are ways to stay hydrated when it’s hot outside to avoid heat-related summer illnesses.

Don’t Let Yourself Get Thirsty

You might be tempted to wait until you’re thirsty to grab a tall glass of water but the truth of the matter is if you wait that long, you’re already nearing dehydration. It’s better to drink water throughout the day so you don’t actually get thirsty. Thirst means your body is already dehydrating and it has turned on your thirst sensation to warn you of impending doom.

You Notice We Keep Saying Water

Here’s another fact that you probably don’t want to read: Drink water primarily and little else. Sodas, iced teas, coffee, lemonade, alcohol, and just about anything else will not hydrate you effectively. Caffeine works as a diuretic, which can dehydrate you, and sugary drinks all day not only fail to hydrate you as effectively as water does but also invite diabetes and weight problems.

You Can Make Water Taste Better

We understand that many people don’t like the taste of water, and if that’s the case, you probably need a water filtration system. That said, you can flavor your water naturally with fruit to make it taste better and more refreshing. Throw some lemon slices in your water or opt for cucumber slices for a unique refresher. You can also use carbonated water (no sugar added) for a crisp liquid refresher.

Keep Water With You

Keep water with you at all times. You never know when you’ll get stuck in traffic or be delayed for some other reason. If you have a bottle of water with you all the time, you can sip from it to prevent getting dehydrated. Keep track of how much water you drink daily to make sure you’re getting plenty. If you do head out for summer sports, drink a sports drink following the game – sugar-free is better.

Eat Your Water

You also get water from food. In fact, you will enjoy summer better with popsicles made from natural fruit juice, certain refreshing summer fruits, and even some vegetables. Fruits and vegetables high in water content include

Eating plenty of these healthy fruits and vegetables not only helps you maintain your weight but also your hydration. Come on! You know you love cold watermelon on a hot summer day.

Call Kings Water Wells in Rockford, MI. We’ll inspect your water well and get it ready for summer. We can also talk with you about filtering options if you don’t like the taste of your water.