Five Ways to Save Water in Your Home

We don’t have droughts here in Rockford, MI, like they do in the Southwest, but conserving water is still a good thing for the planet. There are ways you can save water in your household, and we admit that the first one might not be too palatable. Still, King Water Wells is here to help with your household water supply. You can conserve that supply by doing the following five things.

Don’t Flush Every Time

If you’re really conscious about water conservation or you are concerned because your water well is low, don’t flush the toilet every time you use it. Toilets use anywhere from 1.2 to 1.6 gallons of water each time you flush them. If your toilets are really old, they use up to 6 gallons or more of water. Yikes!

Turn Off the Sink Faucets When You Don’t Need Them

Turn off your sink faucets when you don’t need them. In other words, turn off the bathroom faucet while your brush your teeth and wash your hands. You only need water during the rinse phase, so don’t leave the faucet running when you aren’t using it. You can also turn it off while you shave.

Take a Navy Shower

The same holds true for your shower. Hop in, turn on the water to get wet, and turn it off while you lather up. Turn it on again to rinse off and that’s it. This is called a Navy shower and time is of the essence with these showers. In and out in a matter of minutes and no water until you rinse.

Install a Water Pressure Regulator

You can also conserve water by installing a water pressure regulator with your water well system to keep the pressure under control every time you turn on a faucet or the outdoor hose. This will reduce the amount of water that flows through the faucets and hoses so you aren’t using as much each time.

Only Wash Full Loads

Make sure to wash only full loads of laundry and dishes when you turn on your washing machine and dishwasher. Even though the washing machine has lower water level settings, the less you run it all together the less water you use. Fill your dishwasher, too, so you aren’t running it as often, either.

We here at King Water Wells would be happy to inspect your water well and offer tips to save water. Call our Rockford, MI, office to set up an appointment.