Five Benefits of a Water-Pressure Regulator in Your Home

Your water well pump has a pressure regulator on it and we’d like to talk about how this is benefiting you and your household. If you aren’t happy with the water pressure in your home, King Water Wells can help. In the meantime, you are reaping these five advantages of regulated water pressure.

Saves Water

No, you don’t get a water bill each month from the water municipality but it’s still wise to conserve water when you can. Should we have a dry spell, which is rare, you’ll want to make sure your well has plenty of water for your daily needs. Pressure regulators help you conserve water by controlling how many pounds-per-square-inch flow through your faucets each time you turn them on.

Protects Fixtures

Excessive water pressure can damage your plumbing fixtures and appliances that use water such as your automatic dishwasher and washing machine. A steady flow of water rather than a hard blast helps to extend the life of your plumbing fixtures, as the power of the water does not wear them down. The same holds true for your water appliances, especially if you get water from a refrigerator spigot.

This Saves You Money

Fewer plumbing repair bills and appliances that last longer save you money, plain and simple. The easier your home’s water pressure is on your plumbing and appliances, the less chance of them breaking under the pressure. For example, water flow can be powerful enough to burst your plumbing pipes, so regulated flow makes sure the water pressure never rises above the plumbing system capacity.

It’s Easier on You, Too

Most people don’t want to walk into their showers, turn the water on, and feel as if they’ve just turned on a fire hose at full force. This hardly makes for a relaxing shower. Controlled water pressure allows you to luxuriate in the shower rather than get in and get out to avoid the excessive water pressure on your skin. Seriously, water pounding on the skin can really hurt if the pressure is super high.

Reduces Water Leakage

Finally, as we said above, excessive water pressure can burst your pipes and it can also make the pipes leak. The water pressure might not be strong enough to break the pipes, but it can bust the seals between the pipes and cause leaking. Signs you have water leaks include water spots on the ceilings, floors, and walls of your home as well as a wet foundation and ground areas outdoors.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, if you’d like to adjust your water well’s water pressure.