Four Common Water Well Problems in the Winter

It might seem a little premature to discuss winter water well problems in October, but prevention is the best medicine. Autumn is a good time for a water well inspection to make sure everything is a-okay before it gets into the 20s and 30s. King Water Wells would be happy to make a fall well maintenance visit to your home or business now to help you avoid the following four common problems with water wells during the winter season.

Pump Breakdown

If your water well pump is installed underground, and nearly all of them are, you might find that it breaks down when the weather gets really cold. Frozen ground can impede a water well pump’s functionality, so now is the time to check the pump, its components, and seals for worn or rusty parts. If your well pump is above ground, we’ll check the barriers and covers for cracks or other damage.

Frozen Pipes

If you’ve ever had the pipes burst in your home, you know what a disaster that can be. Your water well uses a plumbing system just as a municipal water supply does, which means your pipes could freeze if the weather gets too cold outside. Frozen water in the pipes can impede the water well’s ability to pump water into the home, as well, so it’s important to keep the pipes warm in the winter.

No Water Supply

With fall comes a lot of leaves and dirt. This debris can plug up the water well pump, which, in turn, can prevent water from flowing into your home. Autumn water well maintenance gives us a chance to inspect your water well and the water well pump to make sure there isn’t an abundance of debris, including the leaves that have fallen from your trees, that could clog the water supply.

Water Pressure Loss

Finally, winter can wreak havoc on your water well’s pressure tank and affect the water pressure coming into your home. Often, a simple adjustment will solve the problem, but you might also need to replace the pressure tank before winter hits if it’s old and/or damaged. Cold weather can slow the pressure tank down, which is why maintenance now can get it ready to stand up to Mother Nature’s winter wrath.

We Are Here For Your Water Well Problems

If your water well is in Rockford, MI, the only call you need to make is to Kings Water Wells. We’ll inspect the entire well system to make certain nothing needs to be addressed before winter.