FAQs About Home Irrigation Systems

King Water Wells can install a home irrigation system tied to your water well if you feel this is best for your property. The benefits of irrigation systems include fuss-free watering and water savings. We can come to your home and talk with you about your irrigation needs. Here are frequently asked questions about home irrigation systems we get all the time from our customers.

Do I Need a Home Irrigation System?

If you have large landscaped property or a spacious garden, a residential irrigation system will help you take care of it. The system can use water from your well to irrigate your garden, or you can choose eco-friendly greywater to keep your residential landscaping and/or garden watered and healthy.

What Is Greywater and How Is it Eco-Friendly?

Greywater is water that you use in your household to take a bath or shower, wash the dishes, or do the laundry. Greywater is any water that does not contain hazardous waste. The water is “dirty,” i.e. grey, from its cleansing use, but it is safe to route onto your land to water your landscape and gardens.

Greywater is eco-friendly because you reuse the water rather than wasting it. This reduces the amount of water you must draw from your water well to keep your exterior property lush and green. Greywater is easily incorporated into residential irrigation systems to improve the property’s sustainability.

Can Home Irrigation Systems Be Tailored to Specific Watering Needs?

Yes. We will custom-design a residential irrigation system based on your landscaping. We understand that your garden will need more watering than your large trees do. One of the points of residential irrigation is to make it so you never need to go out and water your property’s landscaping again.

What Happens When it Rains?

Depending on the irrigation system you choose, you will have the option to shut off the system when it rains. Obviously, if your property is rain-soaked, it does not need to be watered. Shutting off the irrigation system so it doesn’t water the wet property helps save additional water from the well.

Will the Irrigation System Pay for Itself?

Yes. A residential irrigation system not only saves you water but also boosts the value of your property. When working properly, the system will keep your landscaping stunning, adding to your property’s curb appeal. It will also add value to the asking price of the property should you decide to sell it.

Call Kings Water Wells in Rockford, MI, if you are interested in discussing residential irrigation systems. We also install and repair commercial and industrial irrigation systems.