Four Signs Your Water Well Is Having Trouble

Well water is often coveted by people on city water because it tastes much better and doesn’t have all those chemical treatments that municipal water has in it. If your water well is in trouble, however, you might not get any water at all out of your well. King Water Wells can help. We’ll get to the bottom of any of the four following signs that you’ve got a problem with your water well.

Your Well Is Pumping Something Besides Water

It’s pretty easy to spot this first sign of trouble because anything besides water coming into your home or business is not great news for your water well. If you’re seeing or hearing air more often than water, or if you’re noticing greater amounts of sediment in your water, that’s a problem. You’re going to need to have your well inspected and there may be some issues with the pump or with the pipes.

Water Pressure Is Way Lower than Usual

Water pressure should be fairly consistent, even with a water well. That’s because there’s a pump that equalizes that pressure. Some water well pumps even have a setting where you can increase or decrease the pressure across the system in case you need greater pressure. But if you’ve already checked that setting and the water pressure is still too low, there may be a leak or a faulty pump.

You Can Tell Your Water Quality Is Off

Another clue to watch for can be the quality of your water. Most people are sensitive to changes in their regular water, and if you’re noticing that your well water suddenly smells or tastes different, that means something has changed, and that something could be dangerous contamination. If you don’t have a testing kit yourself, contact us and we’ll come out and test your well water to make sure it’s okay.

Your Power Bill Is through the Roof

This hint might be more surprising because at first glance it might not seem to have much to do with your well, but it’s important. If your power bill is a lot higher than usual, that likely means that your pump is working harder than usual. It can also be cycling on and off more often, which burns more power. The first place to check if your power bill has gone way up is your water well pump.

If you suspect that there’s a problem with your water well or well pump, give us a call at King Water Wells in Rockford, MI. We can thoroughly inspect the system and get it fixed fast.