Signs I Have E. coli Poisoning

Did you know that a private water well is a common source for E. coli poisoning? According to Mayo Clinic, animal and human waste can make their way into the water supplies, including private wells, and cause bacterial contamination. King Water Wells can make sure your water well is purified at all times with regular inspections, water testing, and treatments. Even the best efforts can’t always prevent E. coli, so here are signs you have been infected by the illness-causing bacteria.

Bloody Diarrhea

The specific E. coli illness is called “Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli” or STEC. It will take about three to four days after ingestion of the bacteria for the illness to produce symptoms, but the most common of the E. coli symptoms is diarrhea. For most people, this is the worst case of diarrhea they have ever experienced and, in most cases, there will also be blood in the runny stool.

Low-Grade Fever

Some people also experience a low-grade fever, usually of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. If the fever reaches as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s important to see a doctor right away. It’s also important to see a doctor if the symptoms don’t subside within a week, if you cannot keep anything down including water, or if you lose the ability to urinate.

Stomach cramps

Severe stomach cramps are also a sign of E. coli poisoning. As with diarrhea, many people describe the stomach cramps as unbearable and painful beyond anything they had ever experienced in the past. Because stomach cramps can be a sign of serious illness, it’s important to head to your doctor to confirm E. coli poisoning or to make sure you don’t have something else.


Finally, STEC can make people vomit no matter what they put their stomachs. You won’t be able to keep down food at all and you may find it hard to keep down liquids. As we said above, being unable to keep anything down should give you cause to head to the emergency room or urgent care right away, as vomiting everything including water can dehydrate you severely.

E. coli Can Get Serious Quickly

The most important thing to keep in mind is that STEC can get serious very quickly, so it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible if your symptoms do not subside within 12 hours to 24 hours. Don’t take chances with your health. Head to the doctor if you remain ill.

King Water Wells in Rockford MI, would be happy to inspect your water well and test the water for E. coli. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.