Cold Weather Water Well Problems

Winter is just around the corner, and cold weather can wreak havoc on your household water well. Now is the perfect time to call King Water Wells for a water well and pump inspection. We can make sure that your well is ready to continue operating even if the temperatures get below zero outside. There are common problems that occur with water wells in cold weather. Here is what might happen once Old Man Winter arrives to freeze Rockford, Michigan.

Your Pump Might Break Down

Houses that have an underground water well pump, which is the most common place where the pump is installed, can run into problems once the weather gets super cold outside. If the ground freezes, it can affect your water well pump’s functionality. We need to inspect the pump and replace any old and worn parts before winter hits to make sure that your pump works all winter long.

Frozen Plumbing Pipes

Frozen plumbing pipes can prevent the water from the well from getting through to your taps. What’s worse is that they can burst. If you’ve ever had this happen, the water damage alone can be extremely costly to repair. It’s important to keep your plumbing pipes warm so they don’t freeze even though the temperature is below freezing outside. This ensures the well water flows into your home without any issue and prevents your water well pump from overworking.

Clogged Well/Pump

Now is the time of year when leaves and dirt clogged the water well pump. If your pump gets clogged, you won’t have any water flowing into your home. Again, fall maintenance gives us a chance to check the water well pump to make sure that it isn’t being clogged by fall debris. We will also inspect your water well at the same time to make certain the water is clean and free of contaminants and the well construction is sound.

Pressure Loss

Finally, your water pressure may be reduced by the outside weather if it affects the water well pressure tank. We need a chance to inspect the pressure tank to make sure it does not need to be replaced. If it is still in good condition, we can make adjustments that will help the pressure tank stand up to winter weather so you always have good water pressure coming into your home.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, today to schedule your fall water well maintenance visit. Will make sure that your water well system is ready for winter so you can count on it no matter how cold it gets outside.