Should I Use Geothermal Cooling for My Home in the Summer?

We get asked that question a lot here at King Water Wells. We can drill your property for a geothermal cooling and heating system if you would like to take advantage of this natural energy. There are many benefits to cooling your home in the summer and heating it in the winter using geothermal energy. Let’s talk about these benefits below.

Good for the Environment

If you are concerned about your carbon footprint, you will be happy to learn that using geothermal energy is environmentally friendly. You are using the earth’s natural heat to warm your home in the winter and depositing your home’s heat underground to cool your home in the summer.

Geothermal Is Renewable Energy

Another environmental advantage to geothermal energy is that it is renewable. The heat that the earth produces never changes and is not going anywhere. This energy is available to you at all times, making it more reliable than solar or wind energy that relies on specific outdoor conditions.

You Can Use It All Year Long

The sustainable energy used in geothermal cooling and heating can be used all year long. In other words, you can use geothermal energy to keep your house cool and comfortable in the summer and warm in the winter. There is no need to use any other energy source. This natural source of energy in the earth is available to you all year long no matter what.

No Energy Fluctuation

Wind and solar energies fluctuate. In other words, a wind turbine will produce more energy when it is windy outside and fail to produce energy if the air is still. The same is true with solar energy. When the sun is shining, your solar panels produce plenty of energy. If the sun is blocked by clouds, the solar panels fail to produce energy. Geothermal energy does not fluctuate like this. As we mentioned above, you are utilizing energy found underneath the ground. This energy is available all the time.

Significant Cost Savings

Finally, once you have the geothermal cooling and heating system installed, this energy source doesn’t cost you a dime. You will notice a significant reduction in your energy bills. The equipment will use some power but you will no longer be relying on fossil fuel. This equates to significant cost savings. In fact, your home may generate so much energy that the power companies will buy it from you.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, today to schedule an appointment for geothermal drilling on your property.