Things That Will Crack Your Water Well Casing

The casing on your water well serves two purposes: it creates a seal that keeps dirt and contaminants out of your water supply and adds some support to the water well wall. Over time, the casing can crack due to one or more of the reasons listed below. King Water Wells can replace the casing (and water well) if it is damaged. Signs that it is includes dirt in the water and decreased water flow.

Shifting Ground

We don’t get many earthquakes here in Rockford, but the ground can shift naturally or be encouraged to shift during construction projects, especially if blasting or demolition is involved. When the ground shifts, the casing and water well itself could crack depending on the severity of the shift. If you have had a large construction project on your property, call us so we can come out and inspect the well casing.


The water well casing can also crack if it is continually subjected to abnormal pressure. For example, if the casing’s seams were not welded properly, the pressure of the water can split them and cause a severe leak. Things in the ground such as large stones and tree roots can also press against the casing and cause it to crack. Unfortunately, this will introduce groundwater and contaminants into your well.


We do get thunder and lightning storms in Rockford, and if the lightning hits your water well, it can damage the casing. The casing is generally made out of metal, so it attracts the lightning to it. It’s best to remain indoors during a lightning storm and avoid being near anything made of metal. Do not inspect your water well during one of these storms just in case the lightning finds the metal casing.


As you already know, water corrodes metal. Eventually, the casing will need to be replaced because it has become corroded and the rust has eaten through the metal. The rust can also make its way into your water supply and contaminate it. Keep an eye on the casing and call us if it starts to corrode.


Finally, we mentioned above that tree roots can encroach upon the water well casing and crack it. You can also damage the casing if you run over it with the lawnmower or hit it with the weed-whacker. Be careful with your gardening equipment when you are near your water well.

King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, would be happy to help if you are concerned about your water well casing. Give us a call today to set up a service visit.