Water Well Maintenance Tips for a Healthy Well

You can help us take care of your water well so you get as many years out of it as possible. We will inspect your well annually to make sure everything is okay. This includes testing the water for harmful contaminants. There are things you can do to keep the well healthy. Here’s what they are.

Space the Well Properly

If you are having a water well built or adding buildings to your property, make sure there is plenty of space between the well and any structures. There also needs to be plenty of space between the water well and your septic or sewage system.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

Make sure to call us once a year to set up a water well maintenance check. As we mentioned above, we will also test your water. Call us right away if your water starts to smell strange, turns a strange color or gets cloudy, or tastes strange.

Observe the Well

Regularly inspect the well and the area around it for changes. Everything should look the same. If something looks different, such as the ground caving in around well, call us right away. We may need to repair the water well.

Don’t Back-Siphon

When mixing anything harmful with water, such as fertilizer or pesticides, make sure you never immerse the hose in the mixing container. Keep the water source clear of anything harmful that can back-siphon into the well.

Avoid Cross Contamination

In addition to the above, you should also keep the fertilizer and pesticides far away from the water well. In addition to these two items, you also want to keep harmful chemicals, motor oil or any other oil, and paint away from the well.

Store Your Records Safely

There may come a time when you need to refer to your water well records, including the construction plans. As such, make sure to keep these records stored in a safe place, such as a fire-proof safe or bank safety deposit box.

Check the Well Cover

Take a moment once a month to check the cover or cap over the water well casing. Make certain the well cover is not cracked or damaged in some other way. Also, make sure it fits onto the well casing properly and isn’t loose.

Be Careful Around the Well

Yard work can damage your water well, so make sure to be careful when you are working near the well. This includes mowing the lawn. If you decide to redo your landscaping, make sure the water well top is 1 foot above ground.

Finally, if your water well is over 20 years old and needs to be replaced, call us. We will properly decommission the old water well and install a new one.