Five Signs My Well Water Is Bad

Don’t take chances with your well water. This is the water your family consumes and bathes in. You need to make sure your water is safe for use and regular testing can confirm that. We can test your well water annually or bi-annually to make sure there is nothing wrong with it. Signs that your well water is contaminated include the following five things discussed below.

1. Water Changes

Changes in the water flowing into your home definitely warrant a well water test. For example, if your water has started to smell like rotten eggs, you’ve got an overload of hydrogen sulfide gas in the water. If the water is dirty or cloudy, it could be contaminated by agricultural runoff. Anything that changes, such as a difference in taste, smell, or appearance is a red flag that there could be something wrong with the water stored in your water well.

2. Septic/Sewage Contamination

Problems with your home’s sewage or septic system can affect the water in your water well. Not only should you have your well water tested after a sewage or septic crisis, but you should also have the water well inspected. It’s important to make absolutely certain you didn’t end up with any waste in the water well. If you did, the well water is contaminated and unusable.

3. Floodwaters

As floodwaters travel over the landscape, they pick up all kinds of contaminants including animal waste and agricultural runoff. If there has been a flood in your area recently, it’s important to have the water well inspected and the well water tested. It’s possible that the well water is unsafe for consumption due to the floodwaters that have been introduced into the water well.

4. Previous Problems

This fact stinks, but you are more susceptible to well water contamination if your well water has been contaminated in the past. We realize we’re saying this a lot in this blog post, but testing your water regularly ensures it’s safe for use and consumption. If your water well is old, worn parts could be contaminating your well water, which is why you’ve had previous problems.

5. Household Illness

Finally, if everyone in your household is dealing with digestive problems or other illnesses, you’ve probably got contaminated well water. Bacteria such as E. coli can make their way into your water well and contaminate the water. Consequently, anyone who consumes the water will get sick.

Call us today to schedule a well water test if any of the above applies to you. It’s better to be safe than sorry.