What You Need to Know About Water Wells

Water wells are essential to a home or business owner’s water supply. However, accessing clean and safe drinking water can be difficult and expensive without a water well. But what exactly is a water well, and why should you consider having one? First, let’s look at the ins and outs of owning a water well.

What Is A Water Well?

A water well is an excavation that taps into an underground aquifer, a body of rock or sediment that stores groundwater. The depth of the well depends on the aquifer’s depth and the type of soil in the area. The most common type of water wells is drilled or bored wells, which use mechanical drill bits to bore into the ground until they hit an aquifer. Drilled wells also require pumps to bring up the groundwater. Most drilled wells are 50-400 feet deep and can last for decades if properly maintained.

Benefits Of Having A Water Well

Having a water well can provide many benefits, including cost savings. When you have your private source of fresh, clean drinking water, you don’t have to pay monthly bills like you would with municipal authorities. Plus, since you own it, there are no restrictions on how much you can access or use! Additionally, having your source of fresh drinking water makes it easy to stay hydrated throughout the day without having to worry about running out or not being able to find bottled water when needed. Finally, having your own clean drinking water source means you don’t have to worry about pollutants from other sources getting into your supply like you would with public sources.

Maintenance And Care Of Your Water Well

Maintaining your water well is essential for keeping it working properly and ensuring that it lasts for years to come. This includes ensuring that it’s regularly inspected by a professional (at least once per year) so any potential issues can be detected early on and dealt with quickly before they become significant problems. Additionally, ensure all equipment related to your well is regularly checked and serviced as needed (e.g., pump filters). Finally, perform regular testing on your water supply so that any potential contaminants can be identified early on before they become an issue for your family or business!

Water wells are great investments for those looking for their private source of clean drinking water without worrying about monthly bills or restrictions on how much they can access/use each month! With proper maintenance and care, these wells can last decades while saving money in the long run compared to municipal sources—plus, there’s never any need to worry about pollutants from other sources getting into your supply like you would with public sources! So, if you’re looking for reliable access to clean drinking water, consider investing in a private well today!