Five Signs I Need To Replace My Water Well Pump

Your water pump is one of the most important parts of the system. Without it, water cannot be drawn from the well and pushed through into your home. The pump needs regular maintenance and only has a limited lifespan. It will not last forever. This said, a well-maintained pump will last much longer than one that is neglected. Most pumps have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. If yours is that old or older, King Water Wells of Rockford, MI recommends you look for the following signs of pump failure.

1. Electric Bill Increase

Your electric bill is a huge indicator of the health of your water pump. If it has suddenly increased without any feasible explanation, chances are the pump is cycling too much, which means it’s also using too much electricity. This will increase your electric bill and the increase could be subtle in the beginning. Keep an eye on your electric bill monthly to see if you notice any fluctuations.

2. Water Pressure Fluctuations

Speaking of fluctuations, the water pump controls to a certain extent the water pressure flowing into your home. If you notice fluctuations in the water pressure, it could be caused by the water pump. If the pump motor is dying or the pump is having other mechanical issues, it may not be able to draw the water from the well into your home using the same water pressure.

3. Water Faucets That Spit

A clear sign that your water pressure is fluctuating is water spitting out of your water faucets. You might turn on your faucet and the water will sputter and spray out almost as if there is air in the plumbing pipes. This can be frightening, especially if the water is spitting out so much that it’s spraying all over the place, and it is an indication that there is a problem with the pump function.

4. Tank Noise or Clicking Sounds

It’s a good idea to occasionally head out to your water tank and take a listen. If you hear strange noises or clicking sounds, it’s a sign that your water pump motor is dying. Humming, whining, clicking, or any other strange noise definitely signals trouble, so it’s important to have a professional come out right away to inspect your water well and the water pump.

5. Scalding Water

Finally, scalding water should never come out of your faucets unless you want it to. One clear sign that your water well pump is failing is scalding water pouring out of the shower. This can be extremely dangerous if someone is burned, so pay attention to how hot your hot water feels at all times. If the temperature seems uncontrollable, have the water pump inspected.

King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, can help. We service, repair, and replace water well systems. Let us take a look at your water pump today.