Industrial Irrigation Systems Can Pose the Following Dangers

You rely on your industrial irrigation system so you take care of it. Even though you do, it can pose some dangers to you and your employees. King Water Wells can help keep your industrial irrigation system in tiptop shape, and we can install a new system if you need one. Let’s talk about the dangers of industrial irrigation systems below so you know what to look for with your system.

Electrical Dangers

Never build your irrigation system near power lines and keep electrical equipment away from it. The system uses water to keep your fields irrigated. Consequently, the system can pose dangers when electricity is near it. Electricity includes lightning, so make sure to steer clear of your irrigation system if there is a thunderstorm above it. Don’t take chances with water and electricity.

Equipment Dangers

Heavy equipment can damage your irrigation system and pose a safety risk to you. If a piece of equipment gets tangled in the irrigation system, you might be injured in the process. Heavy equipment can also damage your irrigation system beyond repair and leave with the need for a new system. Make certain everyone knows the location of the irrigation system when they are using equipment around it.

Chemical Dangers

Another thing that can damage your irrigation system and ruin your crops is chemicals. Don’t mix poisons or chemicals with the water in your irrigation system. This not only poses an environmental hazard on your property but also in the surrounding areas as the irrigation system runs off. You don’t want poisons or chemicals to find their way into the local water supply via the groundwater.

Falling Dangers

Practice safety protocols around the irrigation system. You don’t want anyone falling because they tripped over a portion of the system. If you have an irrigation system that uses standing sprinklers, they, too, can pose a tripping and falling danger. Equipment can also lop the sprinkler heads off of the standing sprinklers. Always be alert when you are within the irrigation system’s range.

Drowning Dangers

Finally, if your industrial irrigation system draws water from a lake or other water supply that is on your property, practice safety protocols around the body of water, too. People can slip and fall into the body of water and drown. Equipment can also fall into the body of water if it is heavy enough to erode the soil underneath it. Fence off the body of water and make sure no one goofs off around it.

King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, can help keep your industrial irrigation system operating as it should be so it is safer. Call us today for more information.