Your Water Well Could Be a Breeding Pool for Dangerous Contaminants

It’s important to have your water well inspected regularly and the well water tested frequently to make sure it isn’t breeding harmful contaminants. King Water Wells can do both of these things for you. We will make sure your water well is operating as it should be and not at risk for breeding contaminants. We will also test your well water to make certain it doesn’t contain any of the following harmful items.

E. coli

We just wrote a blog a couple of posts back about how your family can get contaminated with E. coli poisoning if it’s found in your well water. E. coli can make everyone in your family very ill, including the pets. It’s easy for E. coli to make its way into your water well through animal waste and soil. A properly sealed water well and regular water tests can help prevent E. coli from growing in your well.


Your water well can also be subject to dangerous heavy metals in the water. Specifically, lead, arsenic, copper, selenium, and chromium are all found in water wells that aren’t cared for. Some of these metals, such as lead and copper, can also seep into the water from your household plumbing pipes. If you have old plumbing, consider replacing it to protect your family from metal poisoning.


Sounds scary, doesn’t it, and they are. The environment has natural radiation in it. This can become a problem if your water well gets contaminated by radionuclides such as uranium, radon, and radium. Yes, these things can end up in your water and you may consume them and bathe in them. Again, regular inspections and water testing can ensure that you aren’t taking a uranium bath.


Most people don’t realize that fluoride is actually poisonous if you ingest it. Yes, it helps to protect your teeth, but there’s a reason why you spit out the toothpaste rather than swallow it. Your water well needs proper and functioning filtration to prevent the fluoride levels from getting too high. The EPA considers anything over 2.0 mg/L too high.


Finally, one of the most dangerous things about agricultural run-off is nitrates. Too many nitrates in your water well can cause serious problems for people who are ill, pregnant, or elderly. Consuming too many nitrates will reduce your blood’s oxygen levels, and nobody wants that.

King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, can come and inspect your water well and test your water if it’s been too long between tests. Call us today to make an appointment.