Five Outdoor Water Games to Keep Cool This Summer

Are you ready for summer? We are. King Water Wells can inspect and maintain your water well system to make sure it works flawlessly all summer long. After all, you’ll need water throughout the summer to stay clean, hydrated, and having a blast with these five outdoor summer games that are wet, wild, and refreshing in the hot summer sun. Get ready to have some family fun second to none.

Water Balloon Baseball

Fill up some water balloons, grab a tee-ball bat, and have a wet and wild baseball game. Instead of using baseballs or softballs, use the water balloons as the ball. When the player hits the balloon with the bat, he or she will get a refreshing soak from the broken balloon. Hitting the balloon sends the batters forward a base; three strikes and the batter is out.

Drilled Water Cup Relay

Grab plastic drinking cups and pop a hole in the bottom of them with an ice pick. Take four buckets and fill two of them with water. Set them up so two teams have to fill their cups with water from one bucket and run holding the cup over their head to the empty bucket. Players must get to the empty bucket before the cups lose all the water. The fullest bucket at the end of the relay wins.

Homemade Water Slide

Take a tarp and spread it out across your lawn. Grab some cheap shampoo and pour it over the tarp to make the surface slick. Don’t use oil; it’s not biodegradable. Shampoo won’t hurt your lawn or the groundwater underneath it. Turn on the hose and let the fun begin. Shower your kids with water as they dive onto the water slide and ride it to the end.

Water Balloon Piñatas

Fill some large balloons with water and hang them from the patio covering or a tree. Space them out so the kids don’t hit them all at once. Blindfold your tot and spin him or her around a few times. Hand him or her a stick and let your child try to hit the water balloon piñata. Instead of candy flying out of the piñata, your child will get a refreshing liquid treat.

A competitive game of squirt gun laser tag is also fun for the entire family on a hot summer day, and Kings Water Wells can make sure you have plenty of safe water for all your water games. We’re located in Rockford, MI.