It’s Time for Fall Water Well Maintenance

Before frigid winter weather hits, it’s a good idea to have your water well inspected and maintained. This ensures you don’t end up with a problem in the dead of winter, which is the worse time for a water well problem. Fall water well maintenance is important as is geothermal pump maintenance if you have one. Make sure you have plenty of water and warmth all winter long with a maintenance visit from King Water Wells. We’ll do the following tests to ensure your water well is in good health.

Visual Inspection

Visually inspecting the water well system helps us find problems before they become disasters. We can replace failing parts and determine if you are at risk for clogs, low water pressure, or even a well leak. Our trained eyes can spot problems with water wells quickly, giving us the opportunity to address the issue now while the weather is warmer and the well is easier to get to.

Flow Test

A flow test is crucial to ensure the water flowing into your home and onto your property is at the desired gallons-per-minute or GPM rate. It might be that you need a flow regulator to reduce the water flow coming into your home. The flow could be compromised due to a clog in the system. The flow test confirms the water is being drawn out of the well and into your home properly.

Quality Test

You’re going to have a long winter if your water makes you sick. A fall water well quality test helps ensure the water is free of anaerobic bacteria (including E. coli), lead, nitrates, viral pathogens, and other concerning contaminants. It’s important to have your water quality checked once a year at a minimum. Well water can become contaminated easily if not treated properly.

Submersible Pump Check Valve Inspection

The submersible pump check valve keeps water in the tank rather than allowing it to flow back into the well. This ensures your home has a constant supply of water and also prevents the submersible pump from being overworked and dying prematurely. We’ll inspect the check valve and submersible pump to make sure it’s doing its job properly and will last all winter long.

Electrical System Test

Finally, we’ll also inspect the electrical components in your water well system. This way, we can address any shorts or other problems that could prevent the pump from drawing water from the well and into the tank. Water and electricity don’t mix, which is why an annual electrical inspection is important for your safety. We’ll make sure the system is no cause for concern.

Fall Water Well Maintenance From King Water Wells

Call Kings Water Wells to schedule your fall water well maintenance visit. We’re located in Rockford, MI, and you can trust your water well to our experienced technicians.