Five Signs You Need to Test Your Well Water

Your family consumes your well water and also bathes in it. This can be dangerous if the well water is contaminated. According to the EPA, common contaminants found in residential well water include microbiological bacteria (including e. Coli), fluoride, heavy metals, nitrate, organic chemicals, and radionuclide. King Water Wells can test your well water if you notice any of the following signs.

1. Water Changes

If your well water changes in appearance, smell, or taste, you might have a problem brewing inside the well. Your well water should always be clear; cloudy or dirty water is unsafe to consume. It shouldn’t have any strange odors or tastes, either. For example, if your well water has too much hydrogen sulfide gas in it, it might smell and/or taste like rotten eggs. Any changes in the water should put up a red flag.

2. Septic/Sewage Failure

If you recently experienced an unpleasant septic or sewage failure, you should probably have your water well system tested, including the water itself. Anytime a septic or sewage system fails, there’s a good chance contaminated waste made its way into the water well. This can introduce dangerous bacteria into the system, so make sure you schedule a water well inspection right away after the incident.

3. Flooding

Flooding introduces contaminants into your household’s water well system. As the floodwaters flow, they pick up dangerous contaminants such as animal and chemical/pesticide waste. Agricultural runoff onto your property can also cause problems with your residential water supply. Anything out of the ordinary that has the potential to introduce foreign substances into your water well is a problem.

4. Previous Contamination Problems

If your residential water well has a history of contamination issues, you should plan to have the well water tested regularly. Something on your property is contaminating the well, or it could the well itself if it’s old and compromised. We can inspect your well system to make sure the contamination isn’t coming from a breach somewhere. We can also test your water regularly to ensure it’s always clean and safe.

5. People Get Sick Constantly

Finally, if your household gets sick constantly, it could be contaminated water. Frequent bouts of diarrhea and/or nausea and vomiting is a sign that you’re ingesting something that’s bad for your system. Head to the doctor to make sure everyone in your household is okay, and then call us for a water well inspection and water test. You might have a strain of e. Coli or other bacteria in the water.

We are King Water Wells, and we are water well experts in Rockford, MI. Schedule a well water test today.