Four Benefits of a Water Well for Agriculture

If you’re a farmer, you already know the benefits of irrigation for your agricultural fields, but what about a water well? King Water Wells lists benefits below that also accompany water wells for agriculture, including when raising livestock. You’d be surprised how much easier your job can be with a water well and irrigation systems that do the watering work for you.

1. Reduces Labor

Hand watering, hauling water to where it needs to be, watering livestock, all of these things are laborious and cost time and money, especially in the winter when natural water sources freeze over. A water well and irrigation system can draw the water you need for you and get it where it needs to go. You and your employees are left with worrying about more important things, such as tending to the fields and livestock. No more paying someone to haul or suffering through hauling water yourself.

2. Water Where You Need It

A water well can be drilled just about anywhere, which means you can have the well precisely where you need it. This, too, reduces time and labor to get the water to your fields and/or livestock. The well can be installed right at your fields, so the irrigation system doesn’t lose water pressure. It can also be drilled close to your livestock, so they always have the water they need. We can visit your property and come up with the best location for your water well with you based on your set-up.

3. Solar Powered

A water well can be solar-powered, which means you are independent of water utility costs. This cost savings can be monumental, especially if you have large agriculture or livestock spaces. Your dependency on municipal water services ends, and your independence from such will more than pay off the cost to have your water well drilled. These wells pay for themselves quickly, especially if your municipal water bills are breaking your business bank accounts.

4. High-Quality Water

Finally, water wells have filtration systems that ensure you always have the best quality water for your livestock and fields. We can also work with graywater to send recycled water sources from your home or work spaces to the fields to help water them. The water tank will be freeze-proof, which means winter weather won’t affect it, and you’ll be able to control your irrigation system when the weather waters your fields and stock for you. The best water produces the best crops and livestock.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, today to discuss your agriculture and/or livestock watering needs.