Six Ways to Prevent Dry Skin in the Winter

Winter weather is here, and so is the dry skin that goes with it. It’s hard to prevent your skin from cracking and bleeding during the winter months here in Rockford, Michigan. King Water Wells is going to list six tips that can help prevent severely dry skin when it’s cold outside. We can also help with the sixth tip listed below.

1. Moisturize the Minute You Get Out of the Shower

One of the best things you can do to keep your skin soft and supple during the winter is to moisturize it immediately after you have taken a bath or shower. This locks in moisture received from the water in the shower or bathtub. Make sure to moisturize everywhere, and, if necessary, use a lotion designed with extra moisture to help damaged skin.

2. Treat Your Skin Overnight With Special Lotions

You can also use special lotions designed to hydrate your skin overnight. Put them on before you go to bed and wake up with skin that is moisturized and in good condition. There are several brands out there that offer nighttime lotions. Try a few and pick the one that works best for you. Nighttime is the best time to moisturize your skin as this is when it heals and regenerates.

3. Use Humidifiers Throughout Your Home

You can also increase the humidity in your home to prevent the air from drying out your skin. Use cool air humidifiers throughout the home, but especially in your bedroom to aid in the moisture is Asian at night. You’d be surprised how much of a difference humidifiers can make.

4. Don’t Take Really Hot Showers or Baths

Even though it’s tempting, don’t take scalding hot showers or baths. We know it’s cold outside and nothing feels better than the hot water, but when the water is too hot, it will strip your skin of all of its moisture. Therefore, keep the showers and baths warm rather than hot.

5. Don’t Use Exfoliants or Scrubs in the Winter

If you are one that uses exfoliants or scrubs, stop using them in the winter. You need to protect your outer layer of skin as much as possible, and using exfoliants or scrubs can damage the outer layer and dry it out. You can start using them again once the weather warms up.

6. Install a Water Softening System in Your Home

Finally, and, again, we can help with this, install a water softening system in your home. Conditioned water not only keeps your skin softer but also your hair. It also helps to reduce mineral deposits and extends the life of your water-using appliances.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, today if you would like to discuss a water softening system for your home.