Five Benefits of a Residential Irrigation System

You might not think that your home property would benefit from an irrigation system, but it will. King Water Wells is happy to come to your home to discuss how an irrigation system will help your landscaping. We install residential, commercial, and industrial irrigation systems. We can also take care of your water well for you if you have one. Let’s talk about the five benefits of a residential irrigation system below.

1. Time Saver

A residential irrigation system can have automatic sprinklers that are timed perfectly. This saves you the time and energy it takes to water your lawns and gardens. The timers can be adjusted for each season so you always have the perfect amount of water on the plant life. You will no longer need to worry about watering your yard. The irrigation system will do it for you.

2. Money Saver

Naturally, this saves money on your water bill if you do not have a water well. The irrigation system is more efficient in watering your yard. In fact, in some cases, you can use greywater to water the yard and this environmentally friendly option helps save water. Some irrigation systems also have rain sensors that will prevent them from watering your yard if it is raining outside.

3. Water Saver

As we just mentioned, a residential irrigation system helps you to save water. If you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint, water usage is a consideration. Your residential irrigation system can use reclaimed water to avoid using freshwater. Depending on the type of system you choose, the irrigation equipment itself is designed to use less water with more benefits.

4. Beautiful Plants

Properly irrigating your yards will ensure that you have beautiful plant growth. We can design your irrigation system to water each portion of your yard perfectly. For example, the irrigation system can water plants that are drought resistant fewer times than plants that need more water. This no-nonsense method of watering your yard leaves it flowering and beautiful.

5. Fewer Weeds

Finally, weeds tend to grow in greater abundance if you are overwatering your yard. An irrigation system helps to prevent overwatering and reduce the growth of weeds. This means you won’t be outside weeding your yard as often as you use to when you were hand-watering.

Again, King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, would be happy to talk with you about a residential irrigation system. Give us a call today to set up an appointment.