Things That Cause Problems With Your Water Well Pump

You can rely on King Water Wells for all of your water well needs, including your well’s pump. The water well pump draws the water out of the well and sends it into the pressure tank. As such, this water well part works tirelessly at times, especially if you run water for a long time. There are a handful of things that will affect the well pump’s performance. Here is what they are for your information.

Loss of Power

Your water well pump has a pressure switch that relies on electricity to power it. The well also has a pressure tank that stores water in it for immediate usage. If the power goes out and stays out for a long time, the well pump will no longer draw water from the well into the pressure tank. Consequently, you will run out of incoming water once the pressure tank is dry.

Low Water Levels

Your water well draws water from the underground water table. This water table is supplied by rain. Droughts are a rare thing in Rockford, but there may come a point when the water table is low and, as such, the water level is low in your water well. When this happens, you will have sputtering, dirty water flowing through the taps in your house as your pump will pump air.

Wrong Pump Size

If you end up with a water well pump that is too small for your well, it will have problems drawing water from the well and pumping it into the pressure tank. The size of the water well isn’t the only thing that you need to take into consideration when selecting a pump. You also need to consider your plumbing system, the water appliances you use, and your daily water usage.

Demand on the Pump

Continuing this discussion further, if you place too much demand on your water well pump, it will be overworked and fail prematurely. If you are replacing your water well pumps often, you don’t have the right size in the well. We can inspect the pump you have to make sure it is the correct size. If it isn’t, we can replace it with a larger one that can handle your water use.

Well Sediment

Finally, an unmaintained water well can fill up with sediment that can damage the water well pump. As the pump draws the dirty water from the well, the sediment grinds against the pump’s internal mechanisms. This wears the mechanisms down and kills the pump.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, today if you are having problems with your well’s pump.