Seven Signs Your Water Well Is Leaking or Has Another Problem

Call King Water Wells if you are having any of the problems listed below. These problems are signs that your water will is leaking or has another problem. It is important to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid additional damage to your water well system. Let’s talk more about this below.

1. Air-Filled Water

One sign that your water well is leaking is a low water level. When the water well is not holding enough water, the well pump will draw water and air and push it into your home. Consequently, your faucets will release both air and water when you turn them on.

2. Sand in the Water

Another sign that your water well has a crack is if it starts to fill with sand or sediment. This is a sign that the well is compromised or that you need a new well screen installed in the system. It’s important to have this fixed right away because the sand can damage the well pump.

3. Low Water Pressure

If the water pressure into your home has decreased, there may be a problem with the water well pump. It may be time to replace the pump because it is malfunctioning. This can also be an indication that there is a problem with one of the well system’s valves or a leaking pressure tank.

4. Huge Power Bill

If you have a heart attack, figuratively speaking of course, when you open your power bill, it’s possible that the water well pump is cycling too much. It’s also possible that it is clogged by sand or silt, and this is causing it to work harder than normal and increase your power bill.

5. Poor Water Quality

Your water well may also be leaking if it gets filled with gases from the groundwater system. One such gas could be sulfur, and this will make your water smell like rotten eggs when it flows out of the tap. Do not consume your water if it smells funny or is hazy.

6. Excess Air Bubbles

There will always be tiny air bubbles that pop quickly in the water that flows out of your taps. If the bubbles do not pop, or you see a ton of air bubbles, it’s possible that your water is filled with other gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, or carbon dioxide.

7. Cycling On and Off

Finally, the water well pump or pressure switch will continuously turn on and off if there is a problem in the water well system. Specifically, you may have a plumbing problem such as a leaking toilet valve, a problem with the backwash filter system, or a problem with the iron filters.

Call King Water Wells in Rockford, MI, today if you suspect that your water well is leaking or you have another problem with the water well system.